Getting Started

Click on the [+] icon on the left side panel and choose Dashboard for your initial starting point.

After Creating Your Database and setting up and delightful colour theme, you'll have your database open and ready. You will be presented with a Dashboard.

The Dashboard that is displayed first is a summary that can display events that are due, tasks that need to be done and notes or other records that have been specially marked. This information summary is only displayed when there's a database open.

smallheart See the help section "Introduction to the Dashboard" for more information.

All the data records in doogie®PIM is stored in your named database file and resides in the Data Files folder,

for example:
"c:\Bitespire\doogiePIM 3\Data Files\Data.doo"

You can create a new database at any time by selecting from the main menu, "File / Create Database".
If you have used a previous version of do-Organizer 4.5+ or Harmony version 1+, you can continue using that database file. All you will need to do is rename the file extension to .doo and then choose File | Open Database.

smallheart See the help section "Database Files" for more information.

Some sections, like Contacts, have a Tree View with a default root folder and underneath some default folders. While some other sections has a default root folder, underneath some default folders and documents. You may add as many sub-folders and documents as you need, where applicable.

smallheart See the help section "Folders" for more information.

The Calendar and Journal are the only sections without a root Tree View because the data is date and time specific. So you may think of the calendar dates as your folders and the items can be inside the dates of the calendar for a particular day.

The tree view is used to organize your data into a logical fashion that makes locating items faster. The folders in the tree view Navigator can be customized to enhance the visual reference point by changing folder text, replacing default folders icons with different ones from the supplied icon art. Quick access to these handy items are facilitated through right click menus.

Further information can be found in the relevant help sections.


This section is used for adding names and addresses of your personal and business contacts. You may enter text details and assign a reference image to identify the contact.


This section works like a normal e-mail client. It can send and receive e-mail to and from a valid IMAP4, POP3 or SMTP server. Multiple accounts can be created and e-mails can be composed with rich text formatting. You can also use the Messages section for reading RSS feeds from the web.


This is a website and Internet bookmark manager, similar to the one you find in your default browser but it is much more advanced. You can add much more information to the URL with and without thumbnails for ease of locating the website.


When you want to protect certain information, such as credit card details or passwords for your safe, then you can add these records into the Vault section. When the Vault is closed or locked then you need to specify the correct password to access it. By default there isn't a password assigned, so it is wise to set one when you first launch the Vault section.

smallheart IMPORTANT NOTE:

You must remember your password to get into the vault, otherwise you won't be able to access the information inside it. Don't put the vault password as a record inside the vault.


When you want to be reminded of an event on a specific day, you can enter a scheduled event in the Calendar.


Tasks are events or work that may or may not have a specific date and time. You could enter common tasks or work on particular projects and assign a Due Date.


An ideal place to store a daily diary. This section is similar to Notes with the exception of the folders navigator. Instead, a calendar replaces the folders so you navigate your main daily journals by date.


A simple but powerful tool to "map out" an idea. This could also be used to create an organizational chart, a family tree or a complicated process. Blocks are added then these Blocks can be linked with lines so you can visualize an overview in a clearer fashion.


For an overview of a year, you can add multi-day events in this planner.


A powerful notes organizer. You can store rich text, fully formatted, images and hyperlinks. The Notes facility has a comprehensive formatting abilities so you can create tables and format text with different colours and font sizes.


In this section, you can store and manage items that are important to you, such as some stock, book library or staff. You may also assign some resources to be viewable directly in the Calendar section. This is useful when you are scheduling a person's events or maybe hiring out a car or meeting room. Within the Resource record is the ability to assign database access permissions. So if a Resource is a person you can grant access to the database with certain permissions to access only certain area and folders.


Money can be organized in this section. You may enter financial transactions with details such as category. You may also link it directly to Resources and Contacts. Therefore, you could have saleable stock in the Resources and Contacts as customers. Now you have the ability to record sales transactions.